Biology questions to help you revise.
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1 Is a kidney best described as A: a cell, B: tissue, C: organ or D: organism?   Answer
2 What organ in our body contains valves   Answer
3 Name THREE features that would be found in ALL living cells.   Answer
4 What is the normal pulse rate of a boy while resting?   Answer
5 Where can you easily measure the pulse?    Answer
6 What is the normal body temperature of a human   Answer
7 Name three structures that would be found only in plant cells   Answer
8 To which group of animals does a FROG belong?   Answer
9 How long does it take a human embryo to develop in the uterus?   Answer
10 In which cell structure does photosynthesis take place?
11 How many kidneys are in a normal mammal?   Answer
12 What function is carried out by our bladder   Answer
13 What happens to your pulse during exercise?   Answer
14 Enzymes help which process take place in our body?   Answer
15 Name three structures that you may find in a plant cell but NOT in an animal cell   Answer
16 What are the main features in a plant would you look for to show that it was pollinated by insects   Answer
17 A section from an animals liver would be best described as A: a cell, B: tissue, C: an organ or D: an organism.   Answer
18 The place where an animal makes its home is called the A: habitat, B: environment or C: community ?    Answer
19 What is the function of the heart?    Answer
20 What are your lungs for?   Answer
21 Describe three ways that our body uses the energy released during respiration.   Answer
22 What do we call the process of breaking down food?    Answer
23 What do we mean by a nutrient?   Answer
24 What are the requirements of a newly born baby?    Answer
25 What is the approximate mass of a new born baby? A: about 100g, B:about 1kg, C: about 4kg, D: about 10kg   Answer
26 What food can provide us with protein?   Answer
27 Describe four ways a person can help minimise the risk of heart disease   Answer
28 Describe two ways that the body of a mammal conserves (saves) heat energy   Answer
29 What substances that may harm the embryo pass through the placenta from the mother to the embryo. Answer
30 Which part of a plant cell is used to make paper? Answer
31 Describe one use for our brain  Answer
32 How can your body lose heat energy if it is too hot?
33 How does oxygen enter the body in a mammal? Answer
34 How does oxygen get delivered to the tissues in a human? Answer
35 Name the waste gas produced during respiration Answer
36 How does the developing baby get its food? Answer
37 How often does the girls body make an egg? Answer
38 How is the sperm different to an egg? Answer
39 What is the name of the process by which energy for all living processes is made available Answer
40 What is the kidney for? Answer
41 Which part of a cell provides it with energy Answer
42 Which part of a cell contains chromosomes (DNA)
43 What has to happen to an egg before it can start to develop into a baby? Answer
44 What is a zygote? Answer
45 What is meant by a balanced diet Answer
46 When would you use a quadrat? Distilling wine, Studying a habitat, Filtering sea water
47 What is meant by the gestation period? Answer
48 What is a saprophye
49 Imagine you are in a wood. At what time of day (or night ) would the carbon dioxide concentration be the highest?  Answer
50 Give TWO uses for our ears  Answer
51 Why do we need to eat fresh vegetables and fruit?  Answer
52 Why do we carry out respiration?
53 What is the word equation for respiration?  Answer
54 Which part of our body consists mostly of nerve cells?  Answer
55 Name 5 important important nutrients in a balanced diet?  Answer
56 Why does a plant carry out photosynthesis?
57 What is the word equation for photosynthesis?
58 Where is the male gamete found in humans?  Answer
59 Where is the egg formed in a human?  Answer
60 What is a parasite?
61 How can you test for the presence of starch in food  Answer
62 Where in the mother’s body does the embryo develop?   Answer
63 Name the products of photosynthesis  Answer
64 Which part of a plant manufactures food by photosynthesis? Root, Flower, Stem or Leaves
65 Which part of a plant is where the seeds are made? Root, Flower, Stem or Leaves   Answer
66 Which part of the body removes soluble waste and excess water from the blood.  Answer
67 Which part of a plant absorbs water from the ground? Root, Flower, Stem or Leaves   Answer
68 When does photosynthesis take place in a plant: A: Day-time only. B: Night-time only, C: Day and night D: Never   Answer
69 How is the root of a plant adapted to help it absorb water?
70 When you eat a nice juicy strawberry… which part of the plant are you eating?  Answer
71 Which part of our body carries oxygenated blood away from the heart?  Answer
72 How are leaves specially adapted for photosynthesis?  Answer
73 Pollen reaching the stigma of a plant is known as what? Fertilization, pollination, transpiration or germination  Answer
74 What are stomata?  Answer
75 A seed starting to grow is known as what? Fertilization, pollination, transpiration or germination  Answer
76 Where is the male gamete found in plants?  Answer
77 Describe the importance of microbes (tiny animals) that live in the soil  Answer
78 How does the wide dispersal of the seeds help the survival of a plant species  Answer
79 Does grass reproduce sexually or asexually?  Answer
80 Name any carnivorous invertebrate   Answer
81 Name any cold-blooded vertebrate  Answer
82 Name one substance needed by plants for photosynthesis to take place   Answer
83 Muscles in our body are usually antagonistic. This means the muscles are 1:on their own, 2:found in pairs or 3:in groups of three
84 Is a berry normally found on a female plant or a male plant?  Answer
85 Name three methods by which seed dispersal usually takes place.   Answer
86 Name an important element needed by plants.   Answer
87 From where do the producers in a food chain obtain their energy?  Answer
88 Name two methods by which pollination can take place  Answer
89 From where would the predator in an ecosystem obtain its energy?  Answer
90 The first organism in a food chain is always a: A: producer, B: carnivore, C: predator or D: consumer  Answer
91 What is the initial source of energy in any ecosystem?  Answer
92 What is meant by a primary producer?  Answer
93 Taking cuttings, budding, forming tubers and runners are all examples of what process?   Answer
94 What biological process releases oxygen into the atmosphere?   Answer
95 What could a plant cell NOT do if it had no CHLOROPLASTS?  Answer
96 What does fertilize mean?  Answer
97 What green chemical, found in plant cells, is necessary for photosynthesis to take place?   Answer
98 What happens to the glucose (a kind of sugar) produced by plants during photosynthesis?  Answer
99 What type of food do herbivores usually eat?  Answer
100 Which structure in a cell contains the genetic material?   Answer
101 What is meant by pollination?   Answer
102 What is the function of the roots of a plant?  Answer
103 What is the main function for the leaves of a plant.   Answer
104 What is the name of the process by which plants manufacture sugars?   Answer
105 When does respiration take place in a plant: A: Day-time only. B: Night-time only, C: Day and night D: Never   Answer
106 What is a zygote?
107 What would be the effect on an ecosystem if the saprophytes all died?   Answer
108 Imagine you are in a wood. At what time of day (or night ) would the oxygen concentration be the highest?   Answer
109 Would you expect to find more carnivores or herbivores in an ecosystem?   Answer
110 Name four physical factors that can effect the environment of an organism   Answer
111 What would be the effects on an ecosystem if all the herbivores suddenly died or left?  Answer
112 Where is pollen made in a plant?
113 What is the importance of decomposers in an ecosystem  Answer