Common Entrance Physics – 20 Multiple choice questions
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(Different questions each time the quiz is run)

1. What is the unit for electrical current?

2. how long does it take the moon to go round the earth?

3. circuit3Look at the circuit diagram which shows 2 batteries connected to three bulbs.
What would happen if we added an extra battery?

4. circuit3If I unscrewed bulb B from its holder what would happen to the other bulbs?

5. Pick the correct sentence from those given to best  describe the term below:


6. What word describes what happens to a light ray when it hits a mirror

7. the KILIGRAM is a unit of what kind of measurement?

8. balanceThe diagram shows a log supported at its centre.
Peter is 1.5m from the centre and John is 2.5m from the centre.
How far will John have to move to make the log balance and in which direction?

9. circuit3Look at the circuit diagram and say which of these statements is true.

10. balanceThe diagram shows a log supported at its centre.
Peter is 1.5m from the centre and John is 2.5m from the centre.
Does the log balance, and if not which side goes down?

11. circuit2Which of the circuit diagrams shows two bulbs joined in parallel?

12. What is something called if light cannot pass through it?

13. Which travels faster - sound or light?

14. Pick the correct sentence from those given to best  describe the term below:


15. The diagram below shows a light ray passing through a glass block.

light3-300x278This digram represents which physical process?

16. A spring is 10cm long.
When 3 newtons are hung from it the sprng becomes 16cm.

springs1What extension is caused by the load of 3N?

17. What is the name of the force which causes a moving car to slow down?

18. Weather is colder in winter in England compared to the summer because....

19. The amount of matter in a substance is its

20. circuit2Which of the circuit diagrams shows two bulbs joined in series?