Physics questions to help you revise.
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1 What does the N stand for on a magnet? Answer
Name is the metric unit for MASS?
Name the third planet from the sun?
Is the moon a satellite, planet or star?
5 What is your approximate height: A: 1500mm, B: 15m, C: 500cm or D: 0.1km ?  Answer
6 What is the normal melting point of water?  Answer
7 Name an instrument you would use to measure temperature:  Answer
8 What is your approximate mass: A: 4.5kg, B: 45 000g, C: 0.01tonne or D: 150kg ?   Answer
9 How many planets are there in our solar system? A: 5, B: 7, C: 8, D: 12, E: 15  Answer
10 What force holds a planet in orbit around the sun  Answer
What is the unit for force
In what unit is volume measured?
13 What is the unit for current?   Answer
14 What is the normal boiling point of water?  Answer
15 Name an instrument you would use to measure the volume of a liquid:  Answer
16 Two magnets, when brought together, repel. If the pole of one magnet is NORTH what is the other pole?  Answer
17 Do magnetic field lines run from North to South or South to North?
Which planet is nearest to the sun?
19 What happens to the current through a component if the voltage is increased? (INCREASE, DECREASE or NOT CHANGE)  Answer
20 What happens to the current in a circuit if the resistance is increased? A: increase, B: decease or C: stay the same  Answer
21 What form of energy is stored in a battery?   Answer
22 What form of energy is in a stretched elastic band
23 What form of energy is stored in a spinning disk?   Answer
24 During an eclipse of the sun: A: the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, B: the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth  Answer
Name the metric unit for ENERGY
26 Name an instrument you would use to help measure the thickness of a hair:  Answer
27 Name an instrument used for measuring CURRENT in a circuit:   Answer
28 A bike waiting at the top of a hill would have what sort of energy
29 The tilt of the Earth is responsible for: A: the length of the day/night B: the length of the year or C:the change in seasons (you may pick more than one)
30 What energy change takes place when coal burns
31 There are two forces on a floating boat. Which force pushes up and helps the boat float?
32 An electric torch is switched on. What energy change takes place in the battery?  Answer
33 What name is given to the bending of light.   Answer
34 What name is given to the kind of switch that can be closed using a magnet.  Answer
35 If a guitar string is plucked harder what would happen: A: pitch increase, B:pitch decrease, C: amplitude increase  Answer
36 If a guitar string is made tighter what would happen: A: pitch increase, B: pitch decrease, C: amplitude increase  Answer
37 What is the unit for voltage ?  Answer
38 You hold a mass of 100g in the palm of your out-stretched hand. With what force does the mass press on your hand?  Answer
39 Use your knowledge of particles moving to explain why a liquid evaporates quicker when it is warm.
40 When levering a top from a paint can which is easier to use: a screwdriver with a short handle or one with a long handle (explain)
41 Which would stretch the least A) a single spring B) two springs in parallel. C) two springs in series?  Answer
42 Which would stretch more A) a single spring B) two springs in parallel. C) two springs in series?  Answer
43 Which would have the greater volume, 1kg of water, 1kg of wood or 1kg of aluminium?.  Answer
44 A brick measures 5cm x 5cm x 20cm.
What is the volume of the brick?
45 What is a galaxy and to which galaxy does our Sun belong?
46 A brick rests on a table. You push the brick so that it starts to slide. How many forces act on the brick?   Answer
47 A brick measures 5cm x 5cm x 20cm and has a mass of 1000g. What is the DENSITY of the brick?   Answer
48 A force can make an object do four things: slow down and change shape are two of them. What are the other two?   Answer
49 A man on a parachute is falling at a steady speed. There are two forces on him: Gravity (pulling down) and air resistance (pushing up).
Which force (if either) is the greater?
50 What is the usual unit of pressure?  Answer
51 The Moon and planets do not give out any light so how are they visible to us on Earth?
52 What is the unit for density?  Answer
53 What is the normal density of water?  Answer
54 Which will have more resistance, a single light bulb, or two bulbs in series or two in parallel?  Answer
55 What formula is used to calculate density?  Answer
56 What formula is used to calculate pressure?  Answer
57 You make an electromagnet by wrapping some wire around an iron nail. How could the strength of the magnet be made stronger?
58 How can one test to show that an object is a magnet?
59 What force causes a moving car to slow down?  Answer
60 If a 600 grams of butter were taken to the moon would its weight GET LESS, INCREASE, or STAY THE SAME?   Answer
61 A block of butter has a mass of 600g on the Earth. What would be the mass of the butter on the Moon?  Answer
62 Name the force that causes a tyres to grip the road  Answer
63 What formula is used to calculate speed?
64 A car takes 2 hours to travel 120km
What is the average speed of the car?
65 If a road is wet why are we meant to reduce our speed when driving or leave a graeter distnce between us and the car in front?  Answer
66 A prism is a block of glass (or plastic) that will cause white light to split up into a rainbow of colours.
What do we call this process and what is the name given to the rainbow of colours?