Common Entrance Revision: Includes more advanced questions
15 questions suitable for CE or scholarship
KS3 Levels 5 and 6
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1. Word equations for 4 different reactions are shown.
Which of them shows oxidation and reduction taking place?
2. circuit1 

Which of the lamps in the diagram will be on?
3. What percentage of the air is nitrogen (approximately)?
4. Where would you find the cerebellum?
5. What sort of energy is produced by an electric motor?
6. ledWhat component does this electrical symbol represent?
7. What atoms is diamond made out of?
8. Lettuce ----> slug ------> thrush -------> fox

In the food chain above what is the predator of the thrush?
9. Crude oil can be separated into different substances using what method of separation?
10. Pick the correct sentence from those given to best  describe the term below:
