Detailed revision guide for Common Entrance science (with examples and links to revision notes) Note: Items in black bold type are in level 2 papers only. Chemistry The variety of materials Know the main properties of and an everyday use …Continue reading →
Interactive science syllabus: Click on links to see the whole topic Items in bold type are in the level 2 papers only. Click on any link to see the main topic The Common Entrance exam has 2 levels. Level1 is …Continue reading →
1. Photosynthesis and Respiration Photosynthesis is the name of the process by which the plant manufactures sugars. Word Equation: Carbon dioxide + water + energy from the sun ——-> sugar + oxygen Respiration is a chemical reaction that provides all …Continue reading →
Science Topic Books Detailed student notes on every topic in the KS2 science syllabus. These notes are designed to be printed out and filed. Even though they are written for the KS2 syllabus most of them will be useful for …Continue reading →
Some Word documents that may be useful (These will be more useful if printed out) Science Vocabulary : A comprehensive list of words, terms, and definitions that would be helpful to have on hand during revision. Chemicals : A list …Continue reading →
Help Helpful topics Revision Papers Outline Common Entrance Syllabus Common Entrance Syllabus in detail Interactive Science dictionary Science Dictionary (to download and print out) CE revision outline-summary (to download and print out) Useful outside Links Use links above or …Continue reading →
How to Revise: Important revision tips Revision Papers The papers above are just home-made practice papers. If you wish to buy actual past CE papers you can do so from Galore Park by following this link: CE Exam Papers Galore …Continue reading →
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