Common Entrance Biology – 20 Multiple choice questions
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(Different questions each time the quiz is run)

1. How would exhaled air compare with inhaled air?

2. Lettuce ----> slug ------> thrush -------> fox

The second organism in any food chain is always what?

3. What type of animal is a tiger?

4. Name an organ which helps digest food

5. Which part of a plant does pollen have to reach during pollination?

6. embryoThe diagram shows a human embryo.

Which label represents the placenta?

7. From where would the predator in a habitat obtain its energy?

8. These organs clean the blood and produce urine

9. A section from an animals liver would be best described as

10. What type of food do carnivores usually eat?

11. Which of the sentences below is not correct

12. Which mineral is needed to help make healthy blood?

13. What is meant by the word 'GERMINATION'?

14. flowerLook at the diagram of a flower.

What is the name of the part labelled d ?

15. Lettuce ----> slug ------> thrush -------> fox

In the food chain above what is the predator of the thrush?

16. What name is given to the blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart?

17. Grass is a flowering plant. True or False?

18. Yeast, which is used to make bread, is a living organism

19. You have seed that you have just taken from its packet.

In order to make it grow what will the seed need?

20. Why is the mineral calcium important in our diet?