Common Entrance Physics – 20 Multiple choice questions
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(Different questions each time the quiz is run)

1. forcesThe diagram shows a blue ball hanging from a string.

Which force arrow best represents the force of the string pulling on the ball?

2. What do we call a rock that doesn't allow water to soak through it?

3. A ball is held in place at the top of a slope at position X
When the ball is released it rolls down the slope, eventually coming to rest at position Z

slopeAccording to the law of conservation of energy, energy can never be created or destroyed so in what form does the energy exist at position Z?

4. The cubes below all have the same volume.
The mass of each block is shown inside each cube.

densit9Which substance has the highest density?

5. What type of object is the moon

6. What is the name of the force which causes a moving car to slow down?

7. What unit is used to measure energy?

8. circuit4The circuit shows two bulbs and a switch.
Both bulbs are on.

Is the switch OPEN or CLOSED?

9. A solar eclipse happens when

10. How many kilograms are in a tonne

11. What is measured by a thermometer?

12. Which of the following is NOT true about the Moon

13. astro1image2What event does this diagram represent?

14. Alice put four objects on to a tray and slowly tipped it up.
The pencil sharpener slid first. The matchbox slid next. Then the scissors. The rubber slid last. Which object had the least friction between it and the tray?

15. What sort of surface should something have to prevent slipping?

16. circuit3Look at the circuit diagram which shows 2 batteries connected to three bulbs.
What would happen if we added an extra battery?

17. Which of the following is NOT a metal but DOES conduct electricity?

18. The circuit diagram shows 4 components

circuit1What changes would you notice to this circuit if you placed your hand over component B making it darker?   (Tick all that apply) 

19. A brick measures 3cm x 4cm by 5cm. It has a mass of 120g
What is the volume of the brick?

20. What needs to be done to increase the pitch of a guitar string?