• Acids and alkalis
  • Burning magnesium
  • Effects of heat on a chemical
  • Elements and Compounds
  • Investigations and apparatus
  • Properties of materials.
  • Separating mixtures solutions
  • The air and Earth
  • Useful reactions and equations
  • Solids, liquids and gases

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Acids and alkalis

1. An acid would have what pH number?
2. A liquid with a pH of 7 would be described as .....
3. If Magnesium hydroxide (indigestion powder) were added to vinegar which of the answers would best describe what would happen?
4. If a gardener wished to make his soil less acid, which of the following would be the best to do?
5. What colour will universal turn when mixed with vinegar?
6. Name a substance with a pH value less than pH7
7. Complete the word equation:
Hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide      ?
8. Citric acid would be found in which house-hold substance?
9. Pick an alkaline oxide from the list
10. What is the pH value of pure water?
11. What type of acid is often put in car batteries?
12. What type of acid is found in your stomach?
13. What gas is produced when acids react with a metal?
14. What colour would Universal Indcator turn when added to a strong acid?
15. What colour would Universal Indcator turn when added to a mild alkali?
16. What colour would Universal Indcator turn when added to a neutral liquid?
17. What colour would Universal Indcator turn when added to a strong alkali?
18. What colour would Universal Indcator turn when added to a weak acid?
19. Word equations for 4 different reactions are shown.
Which of them is an example of a neutralization reaction?
20. A liquid with a pH of 9 would be described as .....
21. A liquid with a pH of 2 would be described as .....
22. A liquid with a pH of 6 would be described as .....
23. Which would be the best substance to neutralize some spilt hydrochloric acid?
24. What gas is produced when zinc is added to dilute sulphuric acid?
25. What gas is produced when calcium carbonate is added to dilute hydrochloric acid?
26. Excess copper oxide is stirred into sulphuric and filtered. What colour will the final solution be?
27. Exactly enough sodium hydroxide solution is added to hydrochloric acid to make a neutral solution.
How can salt (sodium chloride crystals) be obtained from the resulting solution?
28. What colour will universal turn when mixed with indigestion mixture?
29. What colour will universal turn when mixed with limewater?
30. What colour will universal turn when mixed with water?
31. What colour will universal turn when mixed with hydrochloric acid?
32. Name a substance with a pH value more than pH7
33. Name a substance with a pH value equal to pH7
34. Name a neutral liquid
35. Pick a liquid that is a weak acid
36. Pick a liquid that is a mild alkali
37. Pick an acidic oxide from the list
38. Pick an neutral oxide from the list
39. Fill in the missing word from the equation shown below:
Acid + alkali     →    ............    +   water
40. Fill in the missing word from the equation shown below:
Acid + metal    →  salt   +   ............
41. Four different substances are added to dilute sulphuric acid
Which of the substances would produce no reaction?