The ultimate site for science revision Over a 1000 questions. Select by difficulty or topicIncludes over 70 pages of detailed science revision notes Quick questions (Questions with a single answer. The answer is shown immediately) Physics quick questions Chemistry …Continue reading →
Read the question carefully, following each word with your pen. Identify the keywords in the question. eg Name an element that burns to form carbon dioxide gas Work out what you are actually meant to be writing down. In this …Continue reading →
Do NOT just sit and read your notes: It is better to write down key facts or things you find hard to remember Do NOT revise so hard that you make yourself ill Do NOT panic: read the notes below …Continue reading →
Detailed revision guide for Common Entrance science (with examples and links to revision notes) Note: Items in black bold type are in level 2 papers only. Chemistry The variety of materials Know the main properties of and an everyday use …Continue reading →
Interactive science syllabus: Click on links to see the whole topic Items in bold type are in the level 2 papers only. Click on any link to see the main topic The Common Entrance exam has 2 levels. Level1 is …Continue reading →
1. Photosynthesis and Respiration Photosynthesis is the name of the process by which the plant manufactures sugars. Word Equation: Carbon dioxide + water + energy from the sun ——-> sugar + oxygen Respiration is a chemical reaction that provides all …Continue reading →
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